ArticlesPatrick Blessinger2020-12-03T15:35:43+00:00
Recently Published Articles:
Blessinger, P. (2015). Towards an inclusive global knowledge society. University World News.
Blessinger, P. (2015). Why global higher education must be democratised. University World News.
Blessinger, P. (2015). Building a global knowledge society through universal lifelong education. Global Access to Postsecondary Education.
Blessinger, P. (2015). Lifelong education as an equalizer. University World News
Blessinger, P. (2015). Why are fewer foreign students heading to the U.S. and more to Australia? The Hechinger Report
Blessinger, P. (2015). The world needs more international higher education. University World News
Blessinger, P. (2015). Why universal and life-long higher education is the next step in advancing the social contract. Scholars Strategy Network
Blessinger, P. (2015). Lifelong learning as a human right. University World News
Cozza, B., Blessinger, P., and Mandracchia, M. (2014) Effectiveness of graduate programs in administrative and instructional leadership, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 6 (1), 2 – 21
Zeine, R., Boglarsky, C.A., Blessinger, P., & Michel, L. (2014). External adaptability of higher education institutions: The use of diagnostic interventions to improve agility. Change Management: An International Journal, 13(4), 1–12
Zeine, R., Boglarsky, C.A., Daly, E., Blessinger, P., Kurban, M., & Gilkes, A. (2014). Considerate leadership as a measure of effectiveness in medical and higher education: Analysis of supervisory/managerial leadership. Organizational Cultures: An International Journal, 15(1), 1–13
Zeine, R., Palatnick, F., Boglarsky, C.A., Blessinger, P., Herrick, B. & Hamlet, M.T. (2014). Customer service focus and mission articulation as measures of effectiveness in higher education institutions: Driving student success. Management Education: An International Journal, 14(1), 1–10